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Anxiousness Is For The Birds!

I understand there are some younger folks out there who may not get the title of this post. Just so there's no confusion (I'd hate for anyone to think that I wish anxiety upon our feathered friends!)

When someone says that something is "for the birds", it means that it's worthless. Interestingly enough, the expression originated before the advent of cars. To put it delicately, one could see (and smell) the "emissions" of horse-drawn wagons in New York. Since there was no way of controlling these emissions, they—or the undigested oats in them, served to nourish a large population of English sparrows.

Anyway . . .

Now that we've all had our little history lesson for the day, I'll move on!

I wasn't planning on writing about anxiousness this week, my plan was to blog about the importance of having peace in your life. This changed a couple of days ago when someone close to me shared that they were having feelings of anxiety and hopelessness.

"I start out in the morning feeling prayed up and positive," she told me. "But by mid-morning, I feel so beat down! I worry about losing my job and the unrest in our country. For the first time in my life, I'm having a hard time sleeping. I try not to listen to the news but I feel like it's important to know what's going on—that just makes me more anxious!"

I thought about something I learned from a friend. "I think everyone's feeling a little shaken up about what's going on in the world right now," I told her. "I've started jotting down things from my prayer time that speak to my heart. I take these notes out periodically during the day to get things back on track and remind myself that God is in control."

"I'm not much of a writer," she confessed. "I can't see myself making notes in the morning. I do good to get up and pray!"

"Then, how about just picking up a book of Bible promises or printing scriptures related to peace?" I suggested. "You could pull these out when you begin to feel troubled. After all, that's what we all need in our lives right now, more peace."

"Peace?" she repeated thoughtfully.

I watched as she closed her eyes and thought about it for a moment. "That sounds so nice . . ."

"It doesn't just sound nice," I agreed. "It is nice!"

Who doesn't want to have more peace in their life?


I checked out the opposite of peace and came up with several words, the first one was "war". The second antonym was "unrest". I think the word unrest better describes how I feel when I don't have peace. I struggle to clear my mind of whatever it is that's troubling me and sleep evades me. Unrest is a really rotten state to be in.

Fortunately, I know that as Christians, we can refer to Philippians 4:6 which reads:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

(English Standard Version)

Lately, it seems praying for peace over our nation is more important than ever before. I especially like the two below since they contain the word "world." They seem so fitting right now:

John 14:27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 16:33: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

So, as it turned out, I ended up writing about peace after all! One thing that gives me a great sense of peace is my St. Francis fern garden. I love the way the sunlight plays on the wispy ferns and the tranquility of the garden. Here's a little peek:

This small statue of Saint Francis is the centerpiece of the fern garden. St. Francis has always been special to me because my mom, Frances, (Franny) was named after him.

Here's a little background on this inspirational man. Saint Francis of Assisi is known as the patron saint of animals. Although he had a special relationship with all living things, he especially loved birds. Most paintings and statues of St. Francis include birds resting on his shoulders or in his hands. This is because these creatures would follow him as he prayed or walked around his gardens.

Although he came from a wealthy family, Saint. Francis developed a burning desire as a young man to emulate Our Lord in his love of charity and voluntary poverty. He renounced his wealth and founded one of the most famous religious orders, the Franciscans. The Fransicans lived an austere life of poverty in service to others following Jesus's example and preached the Gospel message all over Italy and other parts of Europe.

The Prayer of Saint Francis, also known as the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis is one of the best known and best-loved prayers in the world.

Since it's one of my favs (and, after all, we're talkin' about PEACE here) I'll share it with you now:

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;

Where there is hatred, let me sow Your love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

Grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console;

To be understood, as to understand;

To be loved, as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive,

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


Pretty powerful words there, right?


Closet ClotheSure Challenge 2020: Week 19

Monday - Kickin' the week off with my Easter dress from last year. This mint-green floral number is by Calvin Klein. I'm not sure if you can make out the double lace sheer trim along the bottom, but it's ultra-feminine and super spring! (Keeper!)

Tuesday - Another floral dress, this one's a shirt-dress from New York & Company. Gray-greens and splashes of pink and white roses. Love the pockets and matching tie sash.

Wednesday -

This is a Hump Day no! This super-short (and super-cute) black lacy dress (below) is from Charming Charlie. I paid very little for it and it's served me well. It goes great with my black cowgirl boots, but it's time for me to retire it.

Thursday - (upper right)

Coral-colored lace dress is a spring/early summertime fixture in my closet. Designed by Eva Mendes, I just adore the length of this dress and how soft it is. Going to hang onto this one for a bit longer. #evamendes #peaches #feelinglikeaten


Thought I'd end with my prayer for myself and also for all who read this post:

May the peace that passes understanding, peace that is strong, be yours. May you be resolute in your faith and have confidence, that no matter what circumstances you encounter, God is faithful, God is good, God will keep you, God will provide for you, and God will bless you.

Take care my friends and remember, God is in control and hope is on the move!




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