Robert Probert (my Bob Dad), was recognized for his military service. This remarkable man served in the Marines (during the Korean War) and also in the Air Force. We had a small ceremony at his home here in Blaine, Washington.

In addition to sharing some funny stories, Bob thanked his team of caregivers and the small group of friends and family who were able to attend. Afterward, we all sang America The Beautiful. It was a touching tribute to our country and the amazing men and women who've fought for our freedom! #usaforever #soproudofmydad #thankaveterantoday

Here's Bob with two magnificent halibut fish he caught in Alaska. After his hospice team left today, the rest of us enjoyed listening to Bob, Smokey and Howard share their exciting tales of living in the Great White North - Canada & Alaska. Some of my favorites were the bear stories. I was taking notes—you never know, I may have to use some of what I heard in an upcoming book! #alaskanbeartales #bearsaboundinthebush #greatwhitenorth #halibutisamazing

About five years ago up around Ross Lake National Recreation Area - (yes, the water really is the color!) #highinthehills #marvelousmountainlake #beautifulbackdrop #amazinglake

Bob was married to my mom, Franny for twenty-five years. Here they are standing on frozen Birch Lake in Alaska back in the 80's. We've been so fortunate to have Bob in our lives. You might have noticed that all the caps he wears have Semper Fi on them—the motto of The United States Marine Corps. (A Latin phrase that means "Always Faithful")
When I think about those words—always faithful and the significance of that pledge, they always remind me of Bob. He is without a doubt the most remarkable man I've ever met and I'm treasuring the time we're getting to spend with him now.