Closet ClotheSure continues . . .
Well, here we are finished with Week 9 of my 2020 Closet ClotheSure Challenge! As I mentioned last week, this challenge is still providing me with an opportunity to clear my closets of items and create much-needed space. (Remember, if an outfit doesn't make me feel like a ten, it gets the boot!)

Monday - Love the colors in this stretchy dress by Jennifer Lopez. I also like the mid-length sleeves and it's great on a cool spring day. Paired with my light-purple Guess pumps, This one I'll hang onto for another day—even though I've had it for several years, it still makes me a happy camper! (an added bonus: my pal, Camo Kathy also has this dress so sometimes we're twinsies!)
Tuesday - This classic Ralph Lauren long-sleeve dress was a Christmas present from my friend, Jan. I get a kick out of the fun ruffle across the neckline and it's awesome deep red color. Although wearing it requires my most forgiving "fat-sucker", this is one of my favs!
Wednesday - Purchased late last year, this three-quarter sleeve, turtleneck dress from New York & Company is on this week's chopping block. The turtleneck is a bit stifling and the billowy white-patterned sleeves don't seem to go with the look of the rest of the dress.
Ta Ta to this one!
Thursday - This long "leopardy" dress with high side slits will "hang around" in my closet for a while longer. I saw it online at New York & Company and fell in love with the cinched waistline and the length. One downside to wearing it to work is that because it's so long, the hem gets caught under the wheels of my desk chair. I've also nearly toppled down the stairs wearing it! I've learned to hold it up so I don't fall on my head!
So, the scorecard for this week is: Keeping three—donating one!
Now, Let's All Go Dig in The Dirt!!!!

I hope everyone has had a great week and that you've had an opportunity to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Here's a couple of recent shots from our yard. The first is a tri-colored, hanging bougainvillea basket. I dig the brilliant colors and that they can handle our hot Texas summers.
We planted the flowering climbing vine on our side fence a couple of years ago. I can't recall the name of this cool plant so if anyone knows, please give me a shout. The purple blooms look almost prehistoric to me and last several days. Honestly, I thought this vine was a goner after this winter but was happily surprised when it began greening up again then blooming. Perennials like this make me feel like a real gardener!
Blessings to all & remember: GOD is in control & HOPE is on the move!
Love, Monica
Also, for anyone looking for fun romance novels, here are two I've written currently available on Amazon and Barnes Noble. Please check them out:
Click Here To Purchase It Happened in The Hill Country
Click Here to Purchase 30-Love
