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What's Your Happiest Day of The Week?

In his book Every Day A Friday, Joel Osteen challenges readers to "let every day be a Friday". One of the reasons I really enjoyed this book is because it's spot on with how most people feel about Fridays versus the other days of the week. I mean, you never hear anyone say things like:

"Thank God it's Monday!"—Or, "TGIM!"

"Hang in there—Thursday's coming!"

"I haven't been this excited about Tuesday since last Tuesday!"

"Well, we finally made it to Wednesday!"

Oh, and how about the term "Fri-Yay" which, unfortunately, seems to be rising in popularity? In my mind, sticking "yay" to the back of anything sounds pretty silly. And, for the record, I've never heard anyone gleefully declare:

"Yes! It's Mon-Yay!" (or, Tue-Yay, Wed-Yay, or even Thurs-Yay that matter)

I actually feel a little sorry for Thursdays. This was especially true when I started hearing people describe Thursday as "Friday Eve." I'm sorry, but that just seems wrong. Why jump the gun and wish an entire day away? I liked it much better when we were all still having fun with this fourth day of the workweek. Remember "Throwback Thursday?" Didn't you get a kick out of posting old photos of friends, family, and pets on social media and seeing what other people shared as "blasts from the past"?

Conversely, Wednesday has become "Hump Day". Full disclosure: I'm guilty of wishing others a Happy Hump Day because I kind of dig camels, and "Hump Day" always conjures up something like this in my brain:

Aside from sharing hilarious camel gifs, once we hit Wednesday, everyone feels some great sense of accomplishment. To that end, some smart cookie came up with "Wine-Down Wednesdays", which, in case you didn't know, is a special post-Hump Day gathering where co-workers celebrate "surviving" over half their workweek by drinking wine. I'd imagine the amount of imbibing one does is in direct correlation to how challenging their week has been thus far.

In my mind, Tuesdays have never been particularly exciting, although I have observed and enjoyed my share of "Taco Tuesdays". Then there's "Two For Tuesdays" where restaurants and retailers lure impressionable consumers (like me) into receiving two items for the price of one. I'm not alone in thinking Tuesdays are a little ho-hum. I read where one pessimistic soul wrote: Today is not Friday, tomorrow is not Friday . . . even the day after tomorrow is not Friday. (This person must be a real joy to work with!)

This brings us to Monday! Did you know that Mondays are (by far) the most popular day of the week for people to call in sick? It's also had more songs written about it than any other workday—most of them somewhat depressing. Here are some examples:

* Rainy Days & Mondays, The Carpenters (1971)

* Manic Monday, The Bangles (1986)

* I Don't Like Mondays, The Boom Town Rats (1979)

* Blue Monday, New Order (1983)

* Mondays Rain, The Bee Gees (1966)

* Monday Morning, Fleetwood Mac (1975)

* Monday, Monday, Mamas and Pappas (1966)

* Monday Without You, Carol King (2001)

If you're really feeling down as you head back to work after the weekend, you might want to add to your misery by singing along to Monday Morning Blues, by Mississippi John Hurt (1967). Or, you could turn on the most positive song I discovered about the most hated day of the week. This would be Come Monday by Jimmy Buffet (1974). As a refresher, here are the first couple of verses:

Headed up to San Francisco For the Labor Day weekend show I got my Hush Puppies on I guess I never was meant for glitter rock & roll And honey, I didn't know that I'd be missin' you so

Come Monday, it'll be alright Come Monday, I'll be holding you tight I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze And I just want you back by my side

(You can't help it! You're humming this catchy song to yourself right now, aren't you?)

Come Monday was Buffet's first Top 40 hit single, reaching number thirty on Billboard's Hot 100 as well nabbing the third spot on the easy listening charts. Impressively, it also got to number fifty-eight on country music charts. And, while not his top-selling tune, Come Monday proved that at least someone out there anticipated Monday's arrival.

Is it possible to change our thinking so that we don't fall into a Sunday Night Funk knowing what's on the horizon?

According to Joel Osteen, the answer is yes. In fact, on page four of his book, Every Day A Friday, he writes: "If you have the right mindset, you can be just as happy on Monday as you are on Friday."

He also suggests referring to Psalm 118:24:

This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. (New Living Translation)

Osteen points out the scripture doesn't say. "Friday is the day the Lord has made. This means Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and every other day of the week. Decide that for you, there are no Monday morning blues. Instead choose the morning do's by saying, I do have a smile. I do have joy. I do have God's favor. I do have victory."

Isn't it exciting to know that we determine whether it's going to be an awesome day or not? Decide not to give your power away and take authority over your thoughts and overall outlook. (And, frankly, if you're still miserable after that, perhaps it's time to find another job? Just saying . . . )

In a previous post, I shared something I came across written on a church billboard. It read:


As I'm writing this, I recall my late friend James Rashell (and, fellow Norman Fishing Tackle Christmas Choir member) who was known for his jovial spirit. Whenever I'd ask him how he was doing, my buddy would shake his head, feigning despair. "I just wish it was Monday," he'd quip in his deep Southern drawl, his eyes full of mischief. "I just love Mondays!"

The fact is, James was exuberant no matter what day it was and I'm certain he's up there singing with the angels now. I also have no doubt that he would have been the first to latch onto the term "Mon-Yay". (I can just hear him saying, "I like that!")

Perhaps we should all try harder to make every day of the week a "Yay-Day". After all, Proverbs 27:1 reminds us:

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

I'm praying each new day delivers joy and happiness in your life and that your outlook is always sunny. May we all rejoice in the now!

In Him,



From The Garden -

As we move deeper into spring, James and I continue our quest to ascertain what has survived in our gardens.

A happy surprise has been these showy vines creeping along our side fence:

Then, there are the spectacular azaleas along our back fence line:

(look to the far right corner)

After a challenging "once in a hundred years winter storm" this past February, we're bouncing back!



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