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How To Wear Everything In Your Closets
In the photo above, I'm standing in front of a friend's amazing painting which hangs in the TVG Marketing Services office. In addition to...

Love Lesson From A Friend
Deb and me attending TAA Expo Event, Hyatt Regency, Dallas 2014 In my romance novel, It Happened In The Hill Country (available on...

Why I'm Kicking Back & Caring Less
In a past blog, I shared with everyone that one birthday, I received multiple copies of various editions of author Richard Carlson,'s...

James and "The Judgemental Hmm"
It's been my experience that when you're around someone for an extended period of time, you form a way of communicating with them that...

The Most Awkward Double Date Ever!
Years ago, James and I were out with another couple. We'd decided to splurge and were enjoying dinner at a very swanky restaurant in...

These Days of Whine & Roses . . .
I don't know about you, but I'm happy to have August (or, as I sometimes refer to it: Blah-Gust) in the rearview mirror. Now, don't get...

The Day I Met An Angel
The story I'm about to share with you is one that's very close to my heart. And, since I'm not a believer in coincidences, I know the...

Hot News: My Way Is The High Way
Most people think I'm pretty strait-laced and that's perfectly fine with me. But when I started writing this blog, I knew there'd be some...

Beauty For Ashes—Losing Emily Anne
People have asked me how I find the time to write a blog. My answer is that I simply make time for it, and yes—sometimes it's a labor of...

On Growing Up Bone plus 100 Outfits Down & Counting!
I'm gonna jump out there and say this, it's not easy growing up a tall, skinny, albino-ish white girl with a last name like Bone. Trust...

It's Harder To Stick Your Foot in Your Mouth When Wearing a Mask!
I've been fairly quiet on the whole Covid thing. It's not that I don't have an opinion, (those who know me are nodding their heads) and...

The Coffin At The Foot of My Bed
When I was collecting day-in-the-life stories from property managers across Texas for my book, I Have A Complex, But I'm Managing It!, I...

I Was The Funniest Kid In Middle School
From silly puns to sarcastic spins on life's most ridiculous curves, I'm the queen of a quick quip. This being said, I have to give some...

How Long Would You Be Willing To Wait For Magnum PI?
In the eighties, tall, tanned, and super hot, Tom Selleck (a.k.a. the original Magnum P.I.) was all the rage. For those of you who don't...

Help, I'm Steppin' Into The Twilight Zone
Left to right: Sandy, Me, Molly and Brenda I'm very fortunate to have three awesome sisters! Check out this shot of the four of us from...

Bringing Scrunchie Back
Ordinarily, I save pulling my hair up in what my husband, James refers to as "Show Pony Hair" for any time I'm not in the office. The...

Confessions Of A Closet Worrywart
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm guilty of worrying about pretty much everything! People who know me well, know this—it's actually a...

Don't Ask The Question If You Can't Handle The Answer
When my youngest son, Nick returned home from college, he noticed the crazy amount of clothes in my closets. “I bet you could go the rest...

Seriously—Don't Give Me Any More Pigs!
Buying gifts for my mom, Franny was super challenging! My sisters and I shared a little friendly competition on holidays to see who'd...

No Cats Were Harmed In The Making Of This Post!
So, I've had a few people ask me about the cat on the cover of my romance-novel, 30-Love. The adorable feline is non-other than Cabbit,...
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