So, I've had a few people ask me about the cat on the cover of my romance-novel, 30-Love.
The adorable feline is non-other than Cabbit, our eighteen-year-old white and black cat who rules the roost around here! As you can see from the photo above, Cabbit is not a happy camper when it comes to posing for the camera. I had to turn his little cat head while my husband, James took the shot. You can see by the set of Cabbit's ears that he is miffed by having to endure this incredible torture—all of which lasted less than ten seconds. (it took me a lot longer than that to get all the white cat fur off of my black fleece!)

I'm extremely blessed to be married to an artist. James has designed all of my book covers. In addition, he and our two sons, Jacob and Nick, did the illustrations for my first book: I Have a Complex, But I'm Managing It! #apartmentlife #ihaveacomplexbutimmanaging it #ihaveacomplex
With 30-Love, James used his incredible skill and Photoshop magic to place a slumbering cat on the antique chair. I believe the original cat was an orange tabby, which was transformed into Cabbit's signature white and black coat.
I love how the green textured background behind the chair is suggestive of a tennis court. In my opinion, James really "aced" the cover art for this fun romantic novel. (sorry—not sorry for the tennis pun!)

Here's a wild image of Cabbit's cousin, Jules reading a couple of pages from 30-Love.
In the book, model and fashion designer, Charlie Valdez has a cat named Cabbit. Here's a sneak peek:
On Saturday morning, Charlie was rudely awakened by a loud clacking sound. "Stop it, Cabbit!" she groaned. "It's the weekend, and I'm not getting up yet!"
She pulled a small pillow off the bed, aiming it at the white and black cat who'd been whacking the vertical blinds together in an attempt to get her out of bed.
To avoid being nailed, Cabbit took off like a shot, hightailing it into the bathroom. Charlie put her head back down and smiled into her pillow. She knew it was only a matter of time before the cat would return to the window and begin his torture all over again. They'd continue the routine until she finally gave in and fed him breakfast.
30-Love is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase.
Note: You can also find 30-Love & It Happened in The Hill Country on Barnes & Noble online.

Closet ClotheSure Challenge Week Ten
Well, even though I'm not going to the office, I continue with the challenge I started several weeks ago.
Remember The Rules:
* I must wear everything in my closet (regardless of how it looks or fits - this is part of my self-imposed punishment for hanging onto things for too long!)
* No repeats - once I wear something, I have to decide whether or not it made me "feel like a ten." If something doesn't, it goes bye-bye.
* No new clothes purchases in 2020.
Fun stuff, right?

First off: For Monday, this blue and black sweater dress from New York & Company was purchased this past December. I like to order from New York & Company because they carry tall sizes. Love the length on this dress and the fit is great, too! Especially with a little help from an "incredible fat-sucker!" #newyorkandcompany #thingsgobetterwithasweater #blue

Ah, the lavender fitted sweater dress by Eva Medes. How much fun is the flared "tulip skirt?" Accessories from White House Black Market. #purplerocks #feelinlikeaten #evamendes

Possibly the softest dress in my closet! This grey sweater dress with the funky sleeves has a super cute satin bow that ties at the back of my neck. The dress and boots are from White House Black Market. #greyday #stillrockintheboots #whitehouseblackmarket

Another one from New York and Company. I bought this long greenish-gold plaid shirt last fall. I wasn't totally sure about the color, but it's grown on me. The waist is gathered which helps give the shirt some definition. Some of my other long shirts just hang down and are very comfortable, but not too flattering. I paired this with some old Vera Wang leggings and my favorite black pumps from White House Black Market. #verawang #noteasybeinggreen
I'll check back in later this week and let ya'll know what stays and what goes!
In the meantime, happy Sunday from Cabbit (The King of all Cats!) & me -

Remember - GOD is in control & HOPE is on the Move!
Blessings -