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Wearing My Birthday Suit On Easter . . .

Spring is definitely my favorite time of year! I love everything about it—okay perhaps not all the pollen, but overall spring has a lot going for it! Since my birthday is in late March, Easter celebrations were never far behind. As a kid, sometimes my parties would have Easter-related themes (this might explain my love of rabbits and jelly beans!). I have fond memories of my three sisters and me in matching Easter dresses (sometimes handmade by our mom, Franny), church services and large, happy gatherings with family and friends.

In recent years, my friend Jan has kept the annual Easter dress tradition alive by gifting me with a beautiful new outfit on my birthday. I thought I'd throw this photo from 2016 into my Closet ClotheSure Challenge 2020 gallery. This bold, blue and white patterned dress by Ralph Lauren was perfect when paired with a light, white sweater jacket. (hidden behind my son, Jacob)

Like a lot of people, this is the first Easter I can remember when we didn't get to attend church. I was amused when our pastor pointed out these positives regarding streaming services:

1. No one arrived late. (We've been guilty of this & had to sit in the nose-bleed section!)

2. No struggling to find a parking space near the door.

3. Everyone had a comfortable seat.

4. We didn't have to get dressed up (I guess some people might have even worn their birthday suits- ha!)

5. We could pause the service and head to the kitchen for more coffee if needed.

I loved his glass-is-half-full remarks, but sure miss being able to worship with our congregation.

What I Would Have Worn To Work (aka Closet ClotheSure Challenge Week Ten

Monday- Diggin' the fringy sleeves! Another great gift from Jan, this Ann Taylor sweater and skirt set is just plain fun to wear! The red and black leopard-spotted skirt is the perfect length and pairs nicely with some low-heeled strappy, black shoes.

Tuesday - This peek-a-boo-sleeved dress from White House Black Market has only been around for a few months. The studded detail around the neckline gives it a touch of playfulness, but don't be fooled! This little number demands wearing an incredible fat sucker! That being said, I love the wine color and how soft it is. I do remember the last time I wore this to the office, the sleeves kept getting caught on the arms of my desk chair.

Wednesday -

Another long-time favorite from White House Black Market. The solid black sweater top of this dress is super soft and comfortable. I'm not sure if you can make them out, but there's a cute little buckle on the end of each sleeve—for no good reason except . . . cuteness!!!!

The black, white and red tartan bottom has pockets! (Love pockets!)

And, finally—Thursday! (also known as Friday in Closet ClotheSure World!)

Here's a fun combo of a long, cover the bottom and then-some sweater from White House Black Market. Since it's see-through, I'm wearing a white cami underneath. The green-gold slacks are from New York & Company. I've added some ultra-funky gold/black/silver open-toe shoes with a clunky heel just for fun! (after all, it's Friday, right?)

I'll check back in with everyone later this week - we may be saying bye-bye to some or all of this stuff as I work to clear my closets!

Lastly, from the garden . . .

I've been waiting for this lone bud to open up for the past two weeks. I was certain this vine had been sacrificed to either the snails or the weather, but lo and behold, this weekend, it finally flowered!

God Bless You All & Remember -

God Is In Control & Hope Is On The Move!


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