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Celebrating On Trains, Planes and Automobiles
When I was in my twenties, I remember an older friend sharing one of the secrets of her long-time marriage. “We always have a trip...

Bees in Bonnets, Wasps in Wardrobes and Something Much Worse . . .
People used to describe someone who was extremely enthusiastic or fixated on something as "having a bee in their bonnet". An interesting...

Beauty For Ashes—Losing Emily Anne
People have asked me how I find the time to write a blog. My answer is that I simply make time for it, and yes—sometimes it's a labor of...

On Growing Up Bone plus 100 Outfits Down & Counting!
I'm gonna jump out there and say this, it's not easy growing up a tall, skinny, albino-ish white girl with a last name like Bone. Trust...

It's Harder To Stick Your Foot in Your Mouth When Wearing a Mask!
I've been fairly quiet on the whole Covid thing. It's not that I don't have an opinion, (those who know me are nodding their heads) and...

Suffering From Stress? Let Go & Let Dog!
I debated with myself about the subject line for this blog. I almost went with: And They Call It Puppy Love, but instead, chose the...

Sending Out Good Vibrations!
I consider myself a pretty happy person. I love to laugh and can find humor in almost every situation. That being said, with everything...

I Was The Funniest Kid In Middle School
From silly puns to sarcastic spins on life's most ridiculous curves, I'm the queen of a quick quip. This being said, I have to give some...

Excessiveness—Guilty As Charged! How Much Is Too Much?
There's an old saying: You can never be too rich or too thin? (coined by Wallis Simpson, an American debutante (June 1896 - April 1986)...

How Long Would You Be Willing To Wait For Magnum PI?
In the eighties, tall, tanned, and super hot, Tom Selleck (a.k.a. the original Magnum P.I.) was all the rage. For those of you who don't...

Help, I'm Steppin' Into The Twilight Zone
Left to right: Sandy, Me, Molly and Brenda I'm very fortunate to have three awesome sisters! Check out this shot of the four of us from...

Don't Ask The Question If You Can't Handle The Answer
When my youngest son, Nick returned home from college, he noticed the crazy amount of clothes in my closets. “I bet you could go the rest...

Why Camo Kathy Never Ages
My beautiful friend and colleague, Kathy Gibbs (aka Camo Kathy) has informed me that if we can't celebrate her birthday together...

Wearing My Birthday Suit On Easter . . .
Spring is definitely my favorite time of year! I love everything about it—okay perhaps not all the pollen, but overall spring has a lot...

What I Would Have Worn To Work . . .
Closet ClotheSure continues . . . Well, here we are finished with Week 9 of my 2020 Closet ClotheSure Challenge! As I mentioned last...

I fell in love with a tennis pro . . .
It's hard to believe that thirty-five years ago today, I married James. We met at Oakwood Country Club in Enid, Oklahoma. At the time, I...

The Disintegrating Dress
In my ongoing 2020 Closet ClotheSure Challenge, I reluctantly wore this short-sleeve sweater dress from Ann Taylor to work on Monday....

Bedazzle me—not!
Here's a little bonus shot before we began taking a look at this week's Closet ClotheSure Challenge. Like a crazy person, I was thinking...

Shining Some Light On Incredible Fat Suckers
In life, we learn that you can suck in your belly, but you can't suck in your thighs! So, like most gals, I'm happy to have a little help...

From The Ready Room
Okay, full disclosure—I call it The Ready Room, but it's actually just a secondary bedroom with a "wee" small closet where I hang this,...
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